Listen, O my son, to the precepts of thy master, and incline the ear of thy heart, and cheerfully receive and faithfully execute the admonitions…
Glorify God in All Things
Listen, O my son, to the precepts of thy master, and incline the ear of thy heart, and cheerfully receive and faithfully execute the admonitions…
1. Cenobites. IT is well known that there are four kinds of monks. The first kind is that of Cenobites, that is, the monastic, who…
The Abbot who is worthy to be over a monastery, ought always to be mindful of what he is called, and make his works square…
Matters. Whenever weighty matters are to be transacted in the monastery, let the Abbot call together the whole community, and make known the matter which…
1. In the first place to love the Lord God with the whole heart, the whole soul, the whole strength. 2. Then, one’s neighbor as…
Obedience. The first degree of humility is obedience without delay. This becomes those who, on account of the holy subjection which they have promised, or…
Silence. Let us do what the Prophet saith: “I said, I will take heed of my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I…
Humility. Brethren, the Holy Scripture cries to us saying: “Every one that exalteth himself shall be humbled; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted”…
Matins. Making due allowance for circumstances, the brethren will rise during the winter season, that is, from the calends of November till Easter, at the…
Verses. During the winter season, having in the first place said the verse, Deus, in adjutorium meum intende; Domine, ad adjuvandum me festina, there is…
Psalmody. From Easter till the calends of November let the whole psalmody, as explained above, be said, except that on account of the shortness of…
Night Office. For the night office on Sunday the monks should rise earlier. At this office let the following regulations be observed, namely: after six…
Sunday Lauds. At Lauds on Sunday, let the 66th psalm be said first simply, without an antiphon. After that let the 50th psalm be said…
Week Day Lauds. On week days let Lauds be celebrated in the following manner, to wit: Let the 66th psalm be said without an antiphon,…
Night Office.On the feasts of the saints and on all solemn festivals let the night office be performed as we said it should be done…
Alleluia. From holy Easter until Pentecost let the Alleluia be said without intermission, both with the psalms and with the responsories; but from Pentecost until…
Work of God. As the Prophet saith: “Seven times a day I have given praise to Thee” (Ps 118[119]:164), this sacred sevenfold number will be…
Psalmody Hours. We have now arranged the order of the psalmody for the night and the morning office; let us next arrange for the succeeding…
Verses and Hymns. In the beginning let there be said the verse, Deus, in adjutorium meum intende; Domine, ad adjuvandum me festina (Ps 69[70]:2), and…
We believe that God is present everywhere and that the eyes of the Lord behold the good and the bad in every place (cf Prov…
If we do not venture to approach men who are in power, except with humility and reverence, when we wish to ask a favor, how…
If the brotherhood is large, let brethren of good repute and holy life be chosen from among them and be appointed Deans; and let them…
Let the brethren sleep singly, each in a separate bed. Let them receive the bedding befitting their mode of life, according to the direction of…
If a brother is found stubborn or disobedient or proud or murmuring, or opposed to anything in the Holy Rule and a contemner of the…
The degree of excommunication or punishment ought to be meted out according to the gravity of the offense, and to determine that is left to…
But let the brother who is found guilty of a graver fault be excluded from both the table and the oratory. Let none of the…
If any brother presume to associate with an excommunicated brother in any way, or to speak with him, or to send him a message, without…
Let the Abbot show all care and concern towards offending brethren because “they that are in health need not a physician, but they that are…
If a brother hath often been corrected and hath even been excommunicated for a fault and doth not amend, let a more severe correction be…
If a brother, who through his own fault leaves the monastery or is expelled, desires to return, let him first promise full amendment of the…
Every age and understanding should have its proper discipline. Whenever, therefore, boys or immature youths or such as can not understand how grave a penalty…
Let there be chosen from the brotherhood as Cellarer of the monastery a wise man, of settled habits, temperate and frugal, not conceited, irritable, resentful,…
Let the Abbot appoint brethren on whose life and character he can rely, over the property of the monastery in tools, clothing, and things generally,…
The vice of personal ownership must by all means be cut out in the monastery by the very root, so that no one may presume…
It is written, “Distribution was made to everyone according as he had need” (Acts 4:35). We do not say by this that respect should be…
Let the brethren serve each other so that no one be excused from the work in the kitchen, except on account of sickness or more…
Before and above all things, care must be taken of the sick, that they be served in very truth as Christ is served; because He…
Although human nature is of itself drawn to feel compassion for these life-periods, namely, old age and childhood, still, let the decree of the Rule…
Reading must not be wanting at the table of the brethren when they are eating. Neither let anyone who may chance to take up the…
Making allowance for the infirmities of different persons, we believe that for the daily meal, both at the sixth and the ninth hour, two kinds…
“Every one hath his proper gift from God, one after this manner and another after that” (1 Cor 7:7). It is with some hesitation, therefore,…
From holy Easter till Pentecost let the brethren dine at the sixth hour and take supper in the evening. From Pentecost on, however, during the…
Monks should always be given to silence, especially, however, during the hours of the night. Therefore, on every day, whether of fast or of a…
As soon as the signal for the time of the divine office is heard, let everyone, leaving whatever he hath in his hands, hasten with…
Whoever is excommunicated for graver faults from the oratory and the table, let him, at the time that the Work of God is celebrated in…
If anyone while he recites a psalm, a responsory, an antiphon, or a lesson, makes a mistake, and doth not humble himself there before all…
If anyone while engaged in any work, in the kitchen, in the cellar, in serving, in the bakery, in the garden, at any art or…
Let it be the Abbot’s care that the time for the Work of God be announced both by day and by night; either to announce…
Idleness is the enemy of the soul; and therefore the brethren ought to be employed in manual labor at certain times, at others, in devout…
The life of a monk ought always to be a Lenten observance. However, since such virtue is that of few, we advise that during these…
The brethren who are at work too far away, and cannot come to the oratory at the appointed time, and the Abbot hath assured himself…
A brother who is sent out on any business and is expected to return to the monastery the same day, may not presume to eat…
Let the oratory be what it is called, and let nothing else be done or stored there. When the Work of God is finished, let…
Let all guests who arrive be received as Christ, because He will say: “I was a stranger and you took Me in” (Mt 25:35). And…
Let it not be allowed at all for a monk to give or to receive letters, tokens, or gifts of any kind, either from parents…
Let clothing be given to the brethren according to the circumstances of the place and the nature of the climate in which they live, because…
Let the Abbot’s table always be with the guests and travelers. When, however, there are no guests, let it be in his power to invite…
If there be skilled workmen in the monastery, let them work at their art in all humility, if the Abbot gives his permission. But if…
Let easy admission not be given to one who newly comes to change his life; but, as the Apostle saith, “Try the spirits, whether they…
If it happen that a nobleman offers his son to God in the monastery and the boy is of tender age, let his parents execute…
If a priest asks to be received into the monastery, let consent not be granted too readily; still, if he urgently persists in his request,…
If a monk who is a stranger, arrives from a distant place and desires to live in the monastery as a guest, and is satisfied…
If the Abbot desires to have a priest or a deacon ordained, let him select from among his monks one who is worthy to discharge…
Let all keep their order in the monastery in such wise, that the time of their conversion and the merit of their life distinguish it,…
In the election of an Abbot let this always be observed as a rule, that he be placed in the position whom the whole community…
It often happeneth indeed, that grave scandals arise in monasteries out of the appointment of the Prior; since there are some who, puffed up with…
Let a wise old man be placed at the door of the monastery, one who knows how to take and give an answer, and whose…
Let the brethren who are to be sent on a journey recommend themselves to the prayers of all the brotherhood and of the Abbot. And…
If, perchance, any difficult or impossible tasks be enjoined on a brother, let him nevertheless receive the order of him who commands with all meekness…
Care must be taken that on no occasion one monk try to defend another in the monastery, or to take his part, even though they…
Let every occasion for presumption be avoided in the monastery. We decree that no one be permitted to excommunicate or to strike any one of…
The brethren must render the service of obedience not only to the Abbot, but they must thus also obey one another, knowing that they shall…
As there is a harsh and evil zeal which separates us from God and leads us into to hell, so there is a virtuous zeal…